Update: Here’s a valuable reading passed along by an experienced, successful trader. It explains how we can make very large gains in any area of life by making small improvements every single day. Note how this builds consistency of mindset, as our daily focus becomes forward-looking and constructive.
In an impactful video, Mike Bellafiore at SMB Capital explains how our development as traders embraces the far larger development of our greatness.
The reason for this is that, for us to be successful, our development has to be based upon our strengths: our talents and our passionate interests. Very often, we find our passion when we pursue our talent: the exercise of our distinctive talents is intrinsically rewarding and motivating.
That is why our development as traders should always begin broadly and only later proceed deeply. We need to try different styles of trading, work with different mentors, and trade different markets before we discover what truly speaks to us. This is why medical students participate in rotations in different medical specialties before they focus their training on the field that matches their talents, skills, and interests. Play many sports and then focus on one. Play many positions on the field and then pursue one.
Many, many times we fail to achieve our potential–and we cannot find our passion or greatness–because we have short-circuited the developmental process. We try to go deep before we explore broadly. We are typically meant to date many people before we find our lifetime partner. If we jump into partnership without the exploration of dating, we are far more likely to make a poor decision. Some traders so need to make money that they jump into a style of trading before exploring a variety of styles and markets. Greatness cannot be grounded in desperate need. It must stem from what speaks to us uniquely.
Your greatness as a trader will be related to something you already do greatly in life.
Your past successes and passionate interests hold clues to your trading success. Try many roles and ways of engaging markets. After you date lots of trading roles, you just may find your mate.
Further Reading: